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tamoadmin 2024-06-12 人已围观

简介1.我认为打篮球可以锻炼身体,让人放松,同时也可促进和朋友们的关系。翻译成英文2.英语短文,运动对健康的好处3.《运动的好处》英语作文带翻译怎么写?The sport of basketball is known as a fun past time for any person young or old. Basketball is a great way of exercise and a g





The sport of basketball is known as a fun past time for any person young or old. Basketball is a great way of exercise and a great way to have fun with friends and possibly make some new ones. I love to watch and play the game, basketball is a very entertaining sport and can be played by anyone. Basketball has many negative and positive things about it based on my opinion. Basketball is known as a good pastime in many people’s eyes but can also be seen as a passion for many others.

Basketball in my opinion the best thing I can do with my friends to have fun while burning a few calories. I see basketball as a fun and easy way to have fun rather than sitting on the couch all day playing video games or watching television. One reason I love basketball is because you need only yourself to play the game or, you can play with teammates. I prefer to have others to play with rather than just playing alone. To me there is not only one word that I can describe basketball. You meet tons of people and you are able to play with your friends for hours without getting one thought of boredom. One thing I love about basketball is that people have many different styles of play. There are styles such as a passer, playmaker, shooter, defensive player, and dunker or highflyer. When you play basketball you feel much more confident and makes you not care much about how others think about you. When I possess the ball in basketball I have the mentality of being the best and no one could stop me. Many people have creative ideas and find new ways to trick the opposing players. Playing Basketball is very entertaining since there are endless ideas you can think of just with a hoop and a basketball. There are many reasons why I love to play the game of Basketball but I also love to watch the game also.

Basketball to me is overall the best sport out of all of the other sports such as baseball, , and football. I also believe out of all these sports basketball is the best sport to watch on television. Basketball is very fun to watch on television because when you watch it you can take the moves you see the professional’s perform and add them to your style of play. I take many of my moves from professional basketball players and make them my own because they expand my arsenal of tricks. There are a variety of tricks the players perform during games it makes the games much more enjoyable to be watching. My favorite player to watch is Kobe Bryant. He makes basketball seem as a mere game for little kids. He is an all around athlete is still going strong at 30 years old. He is a big role model to many kids who enjoy playing this sport. Kobe can do anything he is a very versatile player and could get anywhere around the court in a blink of an eye. Bryant is the definition of all-around in my book. He knows how to play both sides of the game offense and defense. I look at Kobe Bryant as the ultimate weapon. I want to play like him as I continue to get better and better every time I play basketball. Kobe makes the game much more enjoyable to watch because of his acrobatic shots and stunning defense. Basketball is my favorite sport of all-time. There are just endless possibilities when it comes to the thought of basketball.

Basketball is a great way to get your mind off things and is also a great way to express yourself. It is a sport that can work your whole body. It’s a great pastime for any one and is a great way to bond with family members and friends. I see in my eyes that basketball is very addicting and makes you want to play more and more of it. Basketball is known as a good pastime in many people’s eyes but can also be seen as a passion for many others.


1. good for health2. Physical training3. establish better team work relationship4. sociable


I think playing basketball can build up one`s body, make people relax, and also can promote the relationship with friends.


生命在于运动.每个人都需要运动.运动有很多好处,多做运动可以让我们保持健康的身体和好的心情. sport is indispensable to life, everyone needs exercises. doing exercises regularly will bring us a lot of benefits and keep us healthy physically. 在春季,我们可以去跑步,它会让我们的双腿更灵活 in the spring, we can exercise running outside, it helps our legs became more agile.  在夏季,我们可以去游泳,游泳是一种全身的运动,它可以让我们保持更好的身材.summer, swimming is my preference, it's a sport exercise comprehensively from head to tail. it's really helpful to keep a good curve.  在秋季,我们可以去爬山,它锻炼我们的意志. in the autume, we can climb hills, through these activities, our volition can be enhanced.  在冬季,我们可以去滑冰和玩雪,它让我们在冰冷的冬季找到更多的乐趣.  in winter days, skating and skiing are my favourate sports, we can find a lot of fun from them in the freezing days.In the P.E. class we had the long-distance running. We had a warm-up before it. But I was lazy and didn't do it well. When I was running, I suddenly fell to the ground. I pulledthe muscles in the leg. 体育课上,我们要进行长跑。长跑前我们为此做准备活动,但是我很懒没有好好做。跑步时,我突然倒在地上。我腿上的肌肉拉伤了。

Sports can be divided into many kinds, such as basketball, football and volleyball, which are suitable for some more active people, such as children, young people, etc. Some quiet sports, such as Taiji, are suitable for some elderly people. So sports are very suitable for both young and old.


In addition, exercise has many advantages:


First,It can strengthen our cardiopulmonary function, reduce the chance of suffering from heart disease or cerebrovascular disease. These diseases are the diseases with high mortality in recent years. In addition, exercise six can increase some good cholesterol, reduce some bad cholesterol, improve blood flow and reduce the workload of heart work.


Second,It can help us prevent osteoporosis. Because normal weight can load exercise, can prevent bone aging and loss. Now, we in Hong Kong have no time for sports because of our busy work. This situation has become more and more common in Hong Kong. The impact of osteoporosis has become younger. Therefore, we should do more exercise.


Last,It can ease and control our emotions. At present, people in Hong Kong are often out of breath due to pressure, which makes them vulnerable to emotional illness. Regular exercise can improve mood and enhance their mastery of emotions. Research also found that exercise seems to reduce depression and anxiety, and help to deal with their emotions.



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